Recommend Reading - 1

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認真學習投資新手Recommended Reading List:



1. Trader Vic I ch. 5-7, Trader Vic II ch. 9-11 (專業投機原理I 第5-7章, II 第9-11章) (專業投機原理簡體中文版第5-7章, 26-28章)

2. Trading Classic Chart Patterns (無中譯)

3. The Art and Science of Technical Analysis (關鍵買賣點) 


1. Trader Vic I & II (專業投機原理I&II)

2. 自己做FundMan

3. How to Make Money in Stocks (台譯:笑傲股市,港譯:圖勝天下(上下卷))

4. Trade Like a Stock Market Wizard (超級績效)

5. Think and Trade Like a Champion (超級績效2)

6. The Art and Science of Technical Analysis (關鍵買賣點)

7. Trading in the Zone (賺錢,再自然不過!)

1. The Wyckoff Methodology in Depth

2. Ken Fisher 著作 "The Only Three Questions That Still Count

3. Mean Reversion Trading System" Howard B. Bandy

4. Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets" Stan Weinstein

5. Reminiscences of A Stock Operator

6. Stan Weinstein "Secrets for Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets

7. Reminiscences of A Stock Operator  一本,此書記述投機傳奇人物 Jesse Livermore 一生中的投機事跡,對交易的心態建立有好大幫助。

8. Dr. Van Tharp (沙普博士) 寫的神書: " Trade Your Way To Financial Freedom" 一本

9. Mark Douglas  " Trading In The Zone " 一本,讀畢此書,相信對大家的交易事業,有莫大幫助。萬勿錯過。

10. Jack Schwager "Getting Started in Technical Analysis" 一本,讀畢此書,大家對技術分析的理解,會有很大助益


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